Choosing an ideal sewer camera

The sewer inspection cameras are extensively utilised by home inspectors, engineers, contractors, plumbers, municipal workers, and other professionals for inspecting regions that aren’t easy to spot. These regions may comprise insides of a drain, spaces behind walls, pipeline interiors, and other hard-to-reach places. So, if you want to buy a sewer inspection camera, you first need to consider your sole purpose of using it. How long should the insertion probe be? How much light will you require? Should it be chemical or waterproof?

In order to choose a good sewer camera, we’re offering you a few general tips. However, remember that the final decision should only be yours, based on your particular budget, requirements, and needs.

General features

  • A radio transmitter will be a good addition to the camera. Generally, it operates on 512 Hz frequency mode and is located behind the camera in the tip of the probe. It’s a great tool to find blockages or locate your camera. Make sure you’re equipped with a precise locator to trace it.
  • These surveys can be undertaken in all types of weather, so being waterproof and easily visible in direct sunlight would be very beneficial.


  • Similar to the insertion probe, the camera should at least be waterproof to last the duration of your survey.
  • Since inspecting hard-to-see areas is what you’re planning, you’ll need a varying degree of light to explore it. The image will be better with a brighter light source. Always go for a sewer inspection camera that has a bright, adjustable LED light.

Insertion probe

  1. If the pushrod with an attached camera is chemical and waterproof and is able to withstand a bar pressure of 1-6, it will offer longevity to your device.
  2. This probe must at least be long enough to go from one maintenance hole to another. The length of our probes varies from 40m to 120m.

Control box/Monitor display

  1. The contemporary sewer inspection cameras can capture various types of files with various resolutions. Try saving the footage as either a video in AVI or MPEG format or as a JPEG file. If you can record images on your computer, convenience is guaranteed. This is because you won’t have to remember it or write everything down. Furthermore, should you or your client need to verify some information, you can always go back to the file.
  2. The screen should offer you a coherent picture of the inspection area. In this case, a higher resolution and a wider screen are preferred. The daylight readable monitor comes with a pro model.
  3. Few modern inspection cameras comprise keyboards (maybe splash-proof on the PRO models) that permit you to type useful information during inspections.)

Looking for a sewer, drain, or a CCTV drain camera? Awesome. Browse the offerings of Scanprobe, and you’ll know why we’re the best when it comes to these devices.

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